Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Kaingo (Landscapes)

I mentioned how diverse the landscape is during my post about our transfer from Kafunta to Kaingo, but I haven't really shown many pictures apart from the Ebony Grove

Obviously we're not seeing it at its prettiest time of the year but there are vast areas which look as if they've been hit by a nuclear bomb, but apparently its all down to elephant damage to the mopane trees during the 70s (I'm assuming elles were in much greater numbers then) and the trees obviously never recovered.

Elephant damage

There are also many trees which appear to have been struck by lightning, but of course may just have shut down for the dry season.

I called this the Rhino Tree

Some other random landscapes

The anthills in the area are often massive

About an hour's drive away is a beautiful forest of Baobob Trees and we drove their for our sundowner tonight.

Unfortunately Sandy must have parked over a bees' nest because we found the little blighters everywhere.  I said to Wilma she should play the video she took at the Carmine Bee Eater Hide earlier in the day to try and scare them off!

Eventually Sandy drove the truck away about 100 meters and we duly followed on foot, G&Ts in hand.

The sunset was absolutely wonderful