Saturday, September 3, 2016

Muchenje - Day 1

Our flight to Kasane was very good, the plane was tiny; one seat one side of the aisle and two on the other and the luggage space was virtually nil so we spent the 1 ½ hour flight with our bags under our feet.  The land not surprisingly is very dry and barren and some amazing salt flats.

The arrivals hall was a wooden hut and baggage handling was one man and his pull trolley – extremely efficient.

Just outside Bee from Muchenje Lodge was waiting for us and our drive took about 40 mins.  The lodge is situated just outside the national park but as the park isn’t fenced the animals are free to roam wherever they want and elephants regularly wander through the lodge grounds at night.  The buildings are beautiful; little 11 individual thatched cottages with private deck and a huge open-sided main lounge/dining area with an upstairs viewing area and various terraces looking over the seasonal flood plains of the Chobe River. 

Ellie dung right outside our cottage

We arrived at about 2:30pm and after a lightening change into safari friendly coloured clothes were were in the truck at 3pm and off on our first drive.